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The Bluejacket Way

In Cambridge-Isanti Schools, we teach and exemplify five core values: honesty, respect, responsibility, self-discipline and compassion. Our Bluejacket character traits are the foundation of our Student Code of Conduct, character education, anti-bullying efforts, social-emotional learning and our positive behavioral and intervention support framework. Beginning in early childhood and reinforced through high school, children learn self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making as a foundation for success throughout life.

Bluejacket Values: Respect Responsibility Self-Discipline Honesty Compassion

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Link Crew & WEB Leaders

MDE Exemplary District for positive behavior interventions and supports

Cambridge-Isanti is one of only five Exemplary PBIS Districts in Minnesota.

C-I Schools Code of Conduct

How Our Schools Reinforce The Bluejacket Way


Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Self-Discipline • Compassion