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Student Information Verification

students standing with books in front of the book vending machine
#1: Verify Student Information in Skyward Family Access

Dear Bluejacket Families,

We need your help in preparing for a smooth start to the 2024-2025 school year! Please complete the Skyward Student Information Verification for each of your children. [Here’s how].

All families (except those newly enrolled this year) must complete the verification in Skyward by the start of school, September 3.

  • If you have moved, we need your new address by August 2 to build bus routes.
  • Please add a mobile number in phone field #3 to receive text messages from your school.
  • Update immunizations and health information (e.g., allergies, chronic illnesses, medications, etc.)
  • Complete the Educational Benefits Form to qualify for free or reduced activity and community education fees.

Changes to student data may only be made by the PRIMARY guardian. Secondary guardians may change their contact information, not the student’s. If you don’t remember your log-in, click Forgot Password.

Skyward information is confidential. District staff use it to build bus routes, serve students, and communicate with you.

Transportation Information

If your student will need an alternate bus stop for child care or a second household, please use our online forms to let us know no later than August 2. Your transportation requests will remain in your file until you change it. If you have an Alternate Care or Dual Household Transportation Form on file, there is no need to complete another form.

If your student no longer needs transportation services, please complete the Opt-out Form by August 2. If you opted out of transportation last year, and need it this year, please contact Transportation at

Thank you for taking care of these items.