Data and Assessment
Throughout the course of the school year students will participate in a variety of tests and assessments.
Department of Teaching & Learning
We believe that a high-quality, standards-based curriculum implemented with effective research-based instructional strategies will produce high levels of learning in all students.
Early Learning
Early Childhood is a broad term used to describe programming for families & their children ages birth to kindergarten entrance.
English Language Learners
The ELL Program in Cambridge-Isanti Schools supports students who are learning English as a Second Language (ESL).
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
District and school leaders are partners in creating a strong system of support for all students. We have many of the programs that support students at all levels.
Parent Right to Know
In compliance with the No Child Left Behind Act, parents/guardians of students have rights to request and receive information about their children’s education and our staff.
Postsecondary Enrollment Options
Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) allows 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade students to earn both high school and college credit, while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college courses at eligible participating postsecondary institutions.
Professional Development
We are a learning community and believe that lifelong learning contributes to continuous improvement, professional effectiveness and well-being. We value professional development for our staff, which improves our ability to help our students achieve.
Title I
Title I is a federally funded program through the Elementary & Secondary Act (ESEA) designed to provide support to students who are performing below grade level in reading and/or math.
World's Best Workforce
Our 2025 Strategic Plan is aligned with state goals to provide our youth educational experiences that will create the world’s best workforce. Our plan provides a framework to improve teaching and learning, partner with families and community, and support student and staff mental health. Progress is reported each December, as required by state law.