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Strategic Plan

The District Strategic Plan, developed in partnership with our community, aligns district resources and personnel toward a common mission, specific outcomes and four priority areas. The plan is aligned with the state's World's Best Workforce goals and other state and federal reporting requirements, so that all district efforts work in harmony to advance our mission and objectives. The Strategic Planning Team meets annually to review and update the plan.

Primary students and teacher at a table looking through a book

The mission of Cambridge-Isanti Schools, in partnership with our community,
EVERY STUDENT, EVERY DAY to achieve their full potential.


  • Every person deserves to be valued, feel safe, supported and included with compassion and respect.

  • Every individual has skills and talents that make them uniquely equipped to contribute as a responsible citizen.

  • Education provides enhanced access to opportunities.

  • Engagement in lifelong learning begins at birth.

  • Communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and adaptability are necessary to thrive in a changing world.

  • Multiple and differing perspectives contribute to informed decision making and learning.

  • Honesty and integrity are essential to all positive relationships.

  • Success can come from working through adversity.

  • Learning occurs best when social, emotional, physical and mental health needs are met.

  • Hiring, retaining and supporting a highly effective staff will lead to a successful educational environment.

  • Collaboration with families and caregivers is crucial to a learner’s development.

  • Involvement in meaningful activities enriches life.

  • Strong communities and schools support each other. 


Focused on our learners, four measurable objectives will help us to monitor our progress toward achieving our mission.

All young children and their families will have access to opportunities for early learning and school readiness.

All students report a feeling of belonging within the school community.

All students demonstrate annual growth toward goals.

All students will graduate with a plan for their future.


Commitments we are making to ensure our district is well-positioned to achieve our mission.

We will be fiscally responsible and transparent.

We will update our plan annually and responsibly plan for the future.

We will continually work to earn and maintain broad-based community support.

We will teach and exemplify the Bluejacket character traits: honesty, respect, responsibility, self-discipline and compassion.


Our community task force for strategic planning agreed on four strategies for the next three years.

Four strategic plan priorities

1. We will ensure student academic growth and success.

1.1 Strengthen literacy instruction and increase student skills, as demonstrated on benchmark and other assessments, by having teachers participate in professional learning in literacy.
1.2 Pilot an evidence-based K-5 structured literacy resource that empowers students to be engaged in their own learning.
1.3 Designate Cambridge-Isanti High School courses to C-I Career Pathways.
1.4 Develop a Career & College Readiness (CCR) Program in grades 6-8.
1.5 Develop & expand the CIHS Work Based Learning Program (WBL) with local businesses and industries to increase student career readiness (grades 11 and 12).
1.6 Expand the Articulated College Credit options at CIHS.
1.7 Ensure effective implementation of the MTSS plan at the building level through a team.
1.8 Ensure consistent use of Professional Learning Communities to improve student outcomes.
1.9 Create alignment from preK to kindergarten.
1.10 Decrease the number of children who enter kindergarten without any early learning.
1.11 Implement a new assessment progress monitoring and benchmark platform.
1.12 Utilize collaborative common assessment data to make instructional decisions.
1.13 Ensure science curriculum meets new standards, empowers students to be engaged in their own learning, and is supported with professional development.
1.14 Ensure that the continuous improvement process addresses and aligns curriculum with current state, national, and industry standards.

2. We will build and foster positive personal relationships with families and the community.

2.1 Foster a sense of community for all Cambridge-Isanti District staff that exemplifies our Bluejacket Character Traits.
2.2 Ensure a welcoming and inclusive school community that exemplifies our Bluejacket Character Traits.
2.3 Enhance opportunities to develop relationships, celebrate successes, and increase collaboration between school staff and parents.
2.4 Enhance relationships with community members to support student and community success.
2.5 Increase capacity for volunteers in schools.
2.6 Create inclusive environments where diverse viewpoints and perspectives are respected and encouraged.

3. We will partner with families and our community to improve the mental health and well-being of all students and staff.

3.1 Ensure a District Comprehensive School Mental Health System to promote positive school climate, social and emotional learning, and mental health and well-being.
3.2 School mental health personnel will be able to access school and community resources to support student mental health.
3.3 Foster knowledge, skills, and confidence in parents and caregivers to support student mental health and well-being.
3.4 Expand opportunities for students to participate in school-based activities that build social connections.
3.5 Empower students to be able to seek help and report concerns about the mental health or well-being of themselves and/or others.
3.6 Expand Change to Chill practices and resources, in partnership with medical partners, for students in grades 6-12.
3.7 Increase the knowledge of staff to support student mental health and well-being.
3.8 Enhance workplace well-being for all staff.
3.9 Ensure a comprehensive process for training new employees.

4. We will broaden community partnerships to maximize resources, support the growth of the school district, and provide opportunities for students.

4.1 Create and maintain an innovative, comprehensive master plan in order to intentionally plan for future facilities and programming needs.
4.2 Expand annual marketing plan to make C-I Schools a district of choice.
4.3 Expand programming to attract families who desire non-traditional learning opportunities
4.4 Create a community partnership portal to connect students, staff, and businesses


During summer and fall of 2022, 68 parents, staff and students came together to dream, discuss, draft and design a strategic plan for our future. Our Community Task Force for Strategic Planning represented a cross-section of our community — businesses, the medical center, service agencies, the county, our schools, our cities and townships. The Strategic Plan updated our mission, beliefs, and measurable objectives. Four teams worked to develop explicit action plans for for strategic priorities: 1) student academic growth and success, 2) positive personal relationships with families, 3) student and staff mental health and well-being, and 4) community partnerships to support growth in the district. The Strategic Plan was adopted by the School Board in December 2022. It will align resources and focus district priorities in the coming years.

We are incredibly grateful for the time and talents shared to support our students and move our district forward.


Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Self-Discipline • Compassion