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School Board

Nicole Johnson, Carri Levitski, DeEtta Moos clapping at graduation

Cambridge-Isanti School Board

The Cambridge-Isanti School Board is comprised of seven elected directors who represent, lead, and serve the stakeholders of Cambridge-Isanti Schools through educational philosophies and procedures that promote a high quality education for all students. While the board is legally responsible for school programs and operations, it delegates authority for the district's daily operations to the Superintendent of Schools. To fulfill its charge, the board is committed to continuously improving its capacity to govern effectively, using its policies to define its values and expectations. This policy-governance model of operation focuses on policy decisions rather than on operational issues. The School Board ensures that Cambridge-Isanti Schools offers educational opportunities that meet our community’s values and that students are achieving the educational results the community expects.

Role of the School Board

“A primary principle of this nation is that the public welfare demands an educated and informed citizenry. The power to provide for public education is a state function vested in the state legislature and delegated to local school districts.” – Cambridge-Isanti Schools, Board Policy 101 - Legal Status of the School District

“The care, management and control of independent districts is vested in a board of directors, to be known as the school board.” – Minnesota § 123B.09 Boards of Independent School Districts

"A School Board is a body of locally elected individuals who represent the communities they serve and whose main purpose is to ensure effective, efficient, and equitable delivery of high-quality education to all the school district's students through adoption of policy." – Minnesota School Boards Association

Next Meeting

Meet the Board


Heidi Sprandel

Board Chair, Current Term Expires Jan. 2025

Phone: 612-998-5644


DeEtta Moos

Board Vice Chair, Current Term Expires Jan. 2027

Phone: 612-390-5526


Mark Solberg

Board Clerk, Current Term Expires Jan. 2027

Phone: 763-742-4126


Nicole Johnson

Board Treasurer, Current Term Expires Jan. 2027

Phone: 763-257-2639

Kevin Gross standing in front of a Cambridge-Isanti Schools logo in a school resource officer uniform

Kevin Gross

Board Director, Current Term Expires Jan. 2027

Phone: 763-639-2647

photo of timothy hitchings

Tim Hitchings

Board Director, Elected to Fill a Vacancy Until Jan. 2025.

Phone: 612-251-4443


Carri Levitski

Board Director, Current Term Expires Jan. 2025

Phone: 763-552-8798

About the Board

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